The Anti-Fast Food Diet


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The 10 main rules ---
  1. Stop rushing to eat.

  2. Prepare your own meals.

  3. Eat real food, not processed.

  4. Eat slowly and mindfully.

  5. Enjoy the food.

  6. Take time to breathe, and smile.

  7. When drinking tea, just drink tea.

  8. Good conversation.

  9. When you do eat at a restaurant, make it a good one.
?There are some people who eat an orange but don?t really eat it. They eat their sorrow, fear, anger, past, and future.? - Thich Nhat Hanh

?When you eat with awareness, you find that there is more space, more beauty. You begin to watch yourself, to see yourself, and you notice how clumsy you are or how accurate you are. ? So when you make an effort to eat mindfully?, you find that life is worth much more than you had expected.? - Chogyam Trungpa

Forrás: Zenhabits

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