Toj?shabos narancsos pite ?? Orange Meringue Pie


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Hozz?val?k az oml?s t?szt?hoz:

10 dkg liszt

5 dkg k?kuszreszel?k

7,5 dkg hideg vaj

5 dkg cukor

1 csipet s?

1 db toj?ss?rg?ja

Tov?bb?: 20 cm-es piteforma, kev?s vaj ?s liszt a s?t?form?hoz. Sz?razbab,vagy bors? ?s szilikonos s?t?pap?r a vakons?t?shez

Hozz?val?k a t?ltel?khez ?s a toj?shabhoz:

3 db toj?s

25 dkg cukor

6 ev?kan?l ?tkez?si kem?ny?t?

0,8 dl narancsl?

1 ev?kan?l reszelt citromh?j

3 dkg hideg vaj kock?kra v?gva


???? A megadott hozz?val?kb?l ?ssze?ll?tjuk az oml?s t?szt?t.A lisztet a hideg vajjal elmorzsoljuk ?s gyors mozdulattal belegy?rjuk a t?bbi hozz?val?t.

F?li?ba csomagoljuk ?s 20 percre a h?t?be tessz?k pihenni.

???? A s?t?form?t kivajazzuk ?s kilisztezz?k. A t?szt?t k?rlapp? ny?jtjuk ?s kib?lelj?k vele a forma alj?t ?s oldal?t.S?t?pap?rral betakarjuk ?s sz?razbabot sz?runk r? nehez?knek.

???? A t?szt?t,forr? s?t?ben,k?z?pre tolt r?cson 10-15 percig el?s?tj?k. Kivessz?k a s?t?b?l,a babot ?s a s?t?pap?rt elt?vol?tjuk a pitet?szt?r?l.

???? A t?ltel?khez kett?v?lasztjuk a toj?sokat. 

A toj?ss?rg?j?kat  3,5 dl v?zzel elkeverj?k .

20 dkg cukrot l?basba tesz?nk, hozz?adjuk az ?tkez?si kem?ny?t?t,?s ?lland? kever?s mellett hozz??ntj?k a v?zzel kevert toj?ss?rg?j?t. 

???? Lassan felforraljuk, majd 1 percig f?zz?k,am?g bes?r?s?dik. Hozz?keverj?k a narancslevet a citromh?jat ?s a vajat.

???? A toj?shabhoz a marad?k toj?sfeh?rj?ket a marad?k cukorral kem?ny habb? verj?k. A narancskr?met a tortalapra kenj?k, majd r?ter?tj?k a toj?shabot,amit egy kan?l seg?ts?g?vel kiss? felh?zg?lunk.

???? A s?t? h?m?rs?klet?t 180-fokra m?rs?kelj?k,majd a tort?t k?z?pre tolt r?cson 20-25 perc alatt k?szre s?tj?k. Megv?rjuk,am?g kih?l,?s t?lal?sig h?t?szekr?nybe tessz?k.


?? Orange Meringue Pie

Ingredients for the crust:

100g flour

50g shredded coconut

75g cold butter

50g sugar

A pinch of salt

1 egg yolk

Additionally: 20cm pie dish, a little butter and flour for the baking dish. Dry beans or peas and silicone baking paper for blind baking

Ingredients for the filling and meringue:

3 eggs

250g sugar

6 tablespoons cornstarch

80ml orange juice

1 tablespoon grated lemon zest

30g cold butter, cut into cubes


???? Combine the ingredients for the crust. Rub the flour with the cold butter and mix in the rest of the ingredients.

Wrap in foil and let it rest in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

???? Grease and flour the baking dish. Roll out the dough and line the bottom and sides of the dish. Cover with baking paper and sprinkle with dry beans or peas as a weight.

???? Pre-bake the crust in the center of a hot oven on a rack for 10-15 minutes. Remove from the oven and take off the beans and baking paper.

???? Separate the eggs for the filling. Mix the egg yolks with 3.5 dl of water. In a saucepan, combine 200g of sugar with the cornstarch, and slowly pour in the water mixture while stirring constantly.

???? Bring to a boil, and cook for 1 minute until thickened. Add the orange juice, lemon zest, and butter.

???? For the meringue, beat the remaining egg whites with the remaining sugar until stiff. Spread the orange cream onto the pie crust, then add the meringue on top, using a spoon to make peaks.

???? Reduce the oven temperature to 180 degrees Celsius, and bake the pie in the center of the oven for 20-25 minutes until done. Let it cool, then refrigerate until serving.

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